San Salvador Bahamas: A Comprehensive Guide To A Fantastic Vacation

San Salvador Bahamas is without a doubt the Out Island with the most historical significance. Your trip will be one to remember since this island has more tributes to Christopher Columbus and other historical figures than any other island.

San Salvador Island in the Bahamas is a little island with a huge spirit and heart. You'll feel like the only person living on the island since there are so few visitors there.

World-class scuba diving and stunning white sand beaches may be found on the remote and isolated island of San Salvador Bahamas, which is located in the Bahamas' southeast. In 1492, here is where Christopher Columbus stepped foot for the first time in the Bahamas.

San Salvador Columbus is a wonderful contrast, endowed with beautiful beaches (with startling turquoise ocean), unspoiled scenery, and contemporary conveniences and infrastructure. Three times, the island's name has been altered. The Lucayan Indians initially called it Guanahani, then "Watling's Island" until 1925, and finally San Salvador (which is Spanish for Christ the Savior), as it is today.

There are said to be 1,200 people living on the island. On the other hand, although having a population of 200,000, Nassau is the same size geographically.

San Salvador Columbus has the feel of a little town where everyone is kind and helpful and everyone knows everyone else. It's a place where you can go about on foot, by bike, or by car without worrying about being assaulted.

Since there is no crime, San Salvador really lacks a working prison. The locals even made jokes about the prison going down because of a lack of business. A lot of the locals admitted to me that they never even lock their doors at night.

As we toured the island, we were aware of the depth of the destruction inflicted by previous storms (the biggest one was in 2009). The inhabitants' spirits, however, were unaffected by the storms.

The inhabitants of the island, despite its isolation, showed great perseverance in the wake of each hurricane. The bulk of the buildings had been renovated or rebuilt when we arrived. We visited the island during our stay and spoke with a few of the locals; everyone was kind and warm and made us feel at home.

Where can I go in San Salvador?

Utilize a scooter to get about San Salvador

The most convenient way to explore the island is on a scooter or vehicle, which you can hire near the airport for around $80 USD per day for a car and $90 USD per day for a scooter (scooter).

The island is quite flat, so if you're in great shape, you can bike around it (which is what we did), but bring plenty of water since it gets hot throughout the day.

The Queen's Highway, a well-maintained paved road that circles the whole island, makes it simple to go about San Salvador on your own. Remember that in this region of the globe, cars are driven on the left side of the road!

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