How Often Does It Snow In Texas?

With its typically moderate temperatures, iconic images of cacti, ranches, and hot-weather pursuits, Texas may not be the first place that springs to mind when you think of snow. It does, however, feature a number of high-altitude locations where the wintertime temperatures are frigid enough for snow. Remember the February 2021 snowstorm, when pipes failed and Houston was completely covered with snow, cutting off many houses completely? It simply serves to show that Texas can experience snowfall.

How often does it snow in Texas then? And if it does, where should snowfall and lower temperatures be expected this winter?

Texas seldom experiences snow, however it has been documented on many occasions and might happen at low temperatures across the state.

Let's examine some of the Texas locations where snow has fallen, as well as what to anticipate from the state's weather in general.

How would you rate Texas' weather?

Due to its varied topography, which includes arid regions in the west and humid ones in the east, Texas has a broad variety of weather. Texas's large surface area (695,662 km2) makes it susceptible to significant weather changes. With an average of 139 tornadoes each year, Texas is also a tornado hotspot.

Texas experiences record-breaking temperatures and precipitation?

Austin, Texas gets snow on a regular basis 1024x768

Texas had extreme cold and snowfall.

In general, Texas' cooler regions could seldom ever be described as having snow. However, there have been a few noteworthy blizzards and cold snaps that need mentioning.

In February 1956, a significant snowstorm slammed Northern Texas, with 61 inches of snowfall occurring at Vega. In El Paso, is it snowing? They got 22.4 inches of snow in 24 hours on December 13–14, 1987.

In December 1983, four weather stations in the state reported temperatures of 32 degrees Fahrenheit for the longest stretch of time, making it one of the coldest winters Texas has ever had. While the Dallas-Fort Worth airport saw 296 hours of below-freezing temperatures, Lubbock experienced below-freezing conditions for 207 continuous hours.

The state most recently had a record-breaking cold snap in February 2021, which had a significant negative impact. The previous week has seen below-freezing temperatures in Austin. Waco is located in Central Texas, which set a new record for consecutive days below freezing.

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